
The Blue Ridge Soaring Society (BRSS) is a 501(c)(3) that supports the sport of soaring through public outreach, training, and racing. BRSS is located in New Castle, Virginia in the scenic Craig County.

The mountain ridges running through the area provide great ridge flights for long cross country flights.  When weather conditions permit, wave flights are also possible.

Every September, the BRSS hosts the Region 4 South contest. One of the most notable contests was in 1990, when 17 of the 25 pilots completed a 1000 km task, covering ridges in 4 states.

What is Soaring?:

Soaring is like sailing in the sky. It is enjoyed by pilots for the views, the serenity, and the challenge. It is a sport of sustaining flight of engine-less aircraft by locating and flying in updrafts. Observing soaring birds, such as hawks and pelicans, provides a good example of soaring in action in nature. Sailplanes, hanggliders, and paragliders exploit the same updrafts as birds do but can glide more efficiently. A typical modern sailplane has a 40:1 glide ratio which means it can glide 40 miles for each mile of altitude. Sailplanes can fly about 2 to 6 times further than a hawk before another updraft source is needed. This permits flights that can last hours and hundreds of miles.

Most sailplanes do not have engines so they must be launched/towed before soaring can begin. They are typically launched by being towed by a powered airplane, a winch, or a car. At BRSS we tow our gliders aloft with airplanes to 2500ft above ground.

A typical aertow launch at BRSS –> https://youtu.be/QHfJWrR_o1M

To see what a sailplane winch launch and ridge soaring looks like in Scotland –> https://youtu.be/385X3-1AoOw

Visitor Info:

BRSS has long welcomed visitors to the field and does orientation flights for those interested. Guest memberships are available for those interested in exploring flight training. Also, guest pilots (rated glider pilots) may receive tows through a guest membership. For details visit our info page.


Our sailplane fleet includes three ASK-21, two LS-4, and an LS-6b. Our tow planes are a CallAire and a 235hp Pawnee. In addition, about 20 privately owned sailplanes are based out of New Castle International Gliderport.

The LS6


Ground facilities include a club house with full kitchen, great room, and dining room. There is a large campground with utility hookups and a shower house. Most social activities are centered around a large, covered picnic pavilion and bon fire ring.

The hangars

Annual Region 4 South Contest:

Every September, the BRSS hosts the Region 4 South contest. One of the most notable contests was in 1990, when 17 of the 25 pilots completed a 1000 km task, covering ridges in 4 states.

The field from the air