Listen to the show live online on Sundays at 9:30am Eastern, subscribe to the podcast on your favorite platform, and connect with us on social media!

“Thank you for bringing science and community together in a joyful radio show.”

— Colleen, East Walpole, Massachusetts

On our latest show (#988 June 2): the (not from) Nashville Warbler; why AI and birds may not mix; and Kenn Kaufman's new John James Audubon book. Hear it here.

Missouri Turkey Vultures Live Stream

A Turkey Vulture webcam? You bet! And we get to see the chicks. Turkey Vultures usually lay eggs in dark, quiet recesses such as mammal burrows or hollow trees. This nest is in the top of a barn in Marshall, Missouri (Central Time). (5/29)

Black Birders Week

The BlackAFinSTEM Collective seeks to support, uplift, and amplify Black STEM professionals in natural resources and the environment through professional development, career connection, and community engagement. Alhough Black Birders Week comes only once a year, we can support the BlackAFinSTEM Collective any time. (5/27)

Coastal cleanups signups

On our show, Ray often talks about the scourge of plastic pollution in our waterways.

So why not help clean up? The U.S. National Park Service has a great webpage that'll help you find cleanup events. You can search by date, location, or event type. Then let us know how it goes! (5/23)

Canada’s birds, all birds

On our show #986, Ray spoke with Jody Allair of Birds Canada about how to help birds every day. Here's the link to the webpage Ray mentioned. It’s a great resource no matter where you are. (5/21)

Birding festivals and events

We often discuss birding festivals on the Talkin' Birds show. Here's a great resource for finding festivals all over the United States and beyond. If you plan to attend one, do let us know! We could always use volunteers to spread the word about our show. (5/28)

Eastern Whip-poor-will

Nope, not a rock. These two photos of an Eastern Whip-poor-will were sent to us by Talkin' Birds Ambassadors Mike and Judy Timko. The first (resting? plotting to take over the world?) is by Mike, and the second (yawning? saying "Cheese!" for the camera?) is by Judy. These were taken at Plum Island, on the North Shore of Massachusetts.

Spoonbills and alligators

We like this live webcam because we can watch both Spoonbills and alligators. They live peaceably side by side at St. Augustine's Alligator Farm Zoological Park in Florida. This webcam is in the Eastern time zone. (5/22)

David Sibley & the Dept of Homeland Security

No, we’re not kidding! In this profile from Investors Business Daily, Sibley explains why they came to him, of all people, for help. Honestly, he’s as surprised as we are. (5/20)


Our sponsors and partners:

Bird vocalizations provided by The Macaulay Library at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology 
Website photography by Shawn Carey/Migration Productions.