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Rock Climbing in Ireland Interactive Map

Rock Climbing in Ireland Interactive Map

Click on the map to interact with over 100 Rock Climbing locations, including crags, gyms, sea-stacks, etc.

And don't forget that all the data is editable so you can contribute new routes, news, access issues, etc. Browse on over to

Donegal Rock Climbing Guidebook 2015

Donegal Rock Climbing Guidebook 2015 goes on sale. For more details CLICK HERE

Fairhead Bouldering Guide

Fairhead Bouldering guidebook for sale, for more details CLICK HERE.

Rock Climbing in Ireland

Dave Flanagan's Rock Climbing in Ireland guidebook goes on sale, more details CLICK HERE

Fairhead Guidebook 2014

 The 2014 Fairhead guidebook has been published and is on sale, more details CLICK HERE.