• Discover Hidden Gems

    Discover Hidden Gems

    Visit beautiful and remote locations in South-East Queensland and interstate

  • Find Something to do on the Weekend

    Find Something to do on the Weekend

    A great variety of activities - from beginner to advanced

  • More Than Bushwalking

    More Than Bushwalking

    We also have abseiling, kayaking, cycling and snow-shoeing activities

  • Explore the World

    Explore the World

    Join us on overseas adventures - New Zealand, Europe, Asia and More

  • Overnight and Multi-day Throughwalks

    Overnight and Multi-day Throughwalks

    The ultimate getaway!

  • Meet New People - Make New Friends

    Meet New People - Make New Friends

    BBW has over 700 members

  • Navigation, First Aid and Leader Training

    Navigation, First Aid and Leader Training

    Learn skills that help you stay safe when bushwalking

Next Club Meeting

The next Brisbane Bushwalkers Club meeting will take place at 07:30PM on Wed 12th June 2024.

Waldheim Base Camp - Day Walks in Cradle Mountain National Park

Come enjoy Katie Lee's presentation of Cradle Mountain National Park.

The park is one of Tasmania's jewels, famous especially for the Overland Track but oh so much more too. There are so many beautiful day walks to enjoy ranging from short cool temperate rainforest walks to the summit of Cradle Mountain itself.

Katie & her fellow adventurers base camped at the Waldheim Cabins where a variety of walks where choosen day by day depending on the weather - valley and rainforest walks for rainy days, heath, plateau and mountain walks on fine days (and vice versa). Tasmania, four seasons in one hour!

Waldheim Cabins are in the heart of the park, near the Ronny Creek bus stop so many of the groups' walks, including the Cradle Mountain Summit walk, departed from the doorstep, while  others where accessible from the intrapark bus service.

Even a lunch in the famous Spicers Cradle Mountain Lodge (resort) was taken though walks where conducted either side of this; no luxurious rest for these bushwalkers.

Come hear and see about a very full week spent in this Tassie wonderland.

Please join us at Newmarket Hall 7:30pm All welcome, (Map)

Mt Barney(Base Camp) - HIKES REGISTER
Start: 07/06/2024
Tamborine Mountain Suite
Start: 08/06/2024
S - DW - 3B
Cronin's Cascades (Mt Barney base camp only activity)
Start: 08/06/2024
M - DW - 4A
Beginner Abseil Training
Start: 08/06/2024
S - ABS / S&T
Mt Barney Climb SE Ridge & Return via South Ridge (Part of Barney BC)
Start: 08/06/2024
L - DW - 7E

"'A great range of activities and roles, from cruisy to challenging, from passive participation to active leadership''"

"My wife and I have met some of our best friends in BBW"

"I've been taken to beautiful places I didn't know existed close to Brisbane"

"BBW has taught me bush skills, navigation, first aid and leadership"

"Get back to nature for adventures with like minded people'"

"Discover & learn about unknown & beautiful places in your own backyard"

"Everyone is so helpful and keen to share their knowledge"