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Welcome to the Home of
The Kindred Circle

At the moment we are experiencing computer problems at home, but I do have access to a computer. Please e-mail me with any questions.

Updated on February 2, 2000

Due to some health problems, I am forced to end my gerbil breeding. All of the gerbils I currently have, other than those pairs that are ready to or already retired, are now available. Please check the Available Pups page.


Having recently moved from Maryland, The Circle has now settled in Asheville, North Carolina, elevation approx. 2216 feet, just at the foot of the Great Smokey Mountains. This picture is via courtesy of the Asheville Chamber of Commerce, and you can see more about Asheville at their site. It's a beautiful place to live and quite breathtaking, considering we came from the Eastern Shore, where the highest elevation is 90 ft. above sea level! It's kinda neat living in the "City of the Sky."

The Kindred Circle consists of 4 breeding pairs, 1 pair of female Siamese sisters, 2 retired couples who began of the Circle, and an ongoing supply of beautifully colored, healthy and friendly pups. Living here with the gerbils and me, Lisa Harrell, is my 17 year old son, Josh, our cocker spaniel, Maggie, and two female rats, Pikachu and Jasmyn.

I've gotten many of my gerbils from from breeders, which is by far the best way to obtain these wonderful pets. When buying from a breeder, more often than not you can be assured they are healthy and friendly, and have had the best care possible. They will also be sexed correctly to ensure you don't have a 'couple' if you've requested a non-breeding pair. Most pet stores know very little about the gerbils and other small animals they sell, and you're very likely to be sold a male and female when you're actually expecting to buy a same-sex pair.

I'll be updating and adding to this site constantly, and there will be future information about general care of gerbils, along with breeding information for those of you who have decided to breed.

That's a little bit about us, now let's see more about The Circle. Hopefully we'll be able to get some newer pictures up soon, as the ones we have are a bit older. If you have any questions or want to adopt a pup or two, please e-mail me below!

Check out the links below to find out a little bit more about our gerbils and other pets, along with traveling to other great sites.

Current Events

Available Pups

Breeding Pairs

Pet Pairs

Our Rats

Memorial Page

Links for Everyone!

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(unfortunately I can't reply to anyone who signs my guestbook
until I get my computer at home up and running!)


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Celtic graphics provided by Karen Nicholas

This Gerbil and Jird Ring site is owned by
Lisa Harrell.

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