
Building a Tool Rack

On Tuesday, Epping built a tool rack to better house all tools. Complete with handy-dandy outlines for clear organization!
We made 'mouse ear' clips and hooks out of PVC piping, and secured it all to a plywood sheet.

Tool Painting

Clip Making

Finished Rack


Rovers help out at Cubs

On Monday 24th Ben, Tymon, Peter Tom and Keith ran a fully fun packed night for the Epping Cub Pack. They were hoping to run a campfire with some delicious damper but due to the miserable weather we decided for our backup plan, burning candles in the hall with the bonus goal of not burning the hall down.

The cubs had a great time and there were no injuries so everyone won

Love and pancakes



Stroud Weekend Report by Emma

1st Epping Rover Crew had a productive and enjoyable weekend servicing the site of Stroud Monastery on the weekend of the 14 of September. We helped out by completely clearing the roof and gutters from one of the main buildings on site in addition to the smaller hobbit house.

The crew also assisted in the creation of an outdoor chapel and the removal of an unused, rotting ramp.
Overall it was a great and busy weekend that everyone who attended enjoyed thoroughly and we are all excited to go up again!





Jordan Hodgson awarded his BP


On the afternoon of 11th March 2012 the Crew got together to celebrate the massive achievement by Jordan Hodgson to complete and be awarded both his Baden-Powell Scout Award (BPSA) and his Woodbadge for Venturers Section.
The Baden-Powell Scout Award is the highest Scouting award available to Youth in Australia. This Award is designed to challenge and test all who set out to achieve this prestigious Award. It takes into consideration the Aims of Scouting, to encourage the Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, Social and Spiritual Development of young people.

Jordan will visit Government house in a few weeks to be presented the award by the Chief Scout of NSW (The Governor Marie Basheer)


The Timor-Leste Project


At the beginning of July, five Australian Rovers participated in the Timor-Leste project, a co-operation between Scouts Australia and Rotary Australia.

The Timor-Leste project aims to improve health and sanitation in East Timor. Chris Malam from ACT, Nicky Strachan from Victoria, Brandon Leaning from Queensland, Delshard Mozhdehinia from WA and our very own Lauren Tubby, along with Graeme Fordham from Scouts Australia and two NSW Rotarians, Jo and John, spent 11 days at Amutin Primary School in Dili, building a new toilet block and refurbishing other parts of the school.

Currently, Amutin Primary School is attended by 1,200 students, 20 teachers, and has only four toilets. As part of the Timor-Leste project, the Rovers worked with the local Timor-Leste Rovers and Rotaract Youth to paint the existing toilet block, and almost the entire school, insulate the small school kitchen and assist with laying the foundations for the new toilet block. Local builders were hired for the major construction work required during the project.

The Timor-Leste project was funded by “Dollars for Dili,” and ACT Government initiative, and the Rotary Club of South Dubbo. “It was a fantastic project - to be able to work with locals our age, to help even just a small community and to experience the country and culture. It’s a great project with memories to last forever,” said Lauren. The Timor-Leste project is planned to be an ongoing service project for Rovers, Scouts Australia and Rotary. Find out more about the project on the Scouts Australia website here and here.

Written by Lauren Tubby and Scott Osborne

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