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Welcome to the 44th Illinois web page!

The 44th Illinois is currently one of the largest and fastest growing civil war reenacting units in Illinois. We pride ourselves on the strong reputation we’ve built as a good unit that is out there to have fun. We don’t get ourselves heavily involved in the politics of electing leaders. We hold an election every year for that very purpose, and every member in the unit has a vote to decide who will fill the ranking positions in the unit. Our unit consists of an infantry unit, an artillery battery, a regimental band, a ladies aid society, and a mounted cavalry unit. The mounted cavalry unit is just getting started so it is rather small. We use 500 acres of land in Nason, Illinois to play on and we hold our own reenactment there every year. We have constructed a split rail fence and a log wall on the property, which we put to good use during the battles. We also hold a meeting every year to decide what events we will attend. I absolutely love this hobby and want it to continue to grow as it has been. For information on how to join our unit or if you have any questions about the unit in general please feel free to e-mail me at I have also posted a list of frequently asked questions for new recruits. If you would prefer to contact the 44th Illinois through phone you can call our commanding officer (1st Sgt. Mike Mckee) at (618) 244-0586. Or you can call me (1st Corporal Abram Brummett) at (618) 692-8297.



Here is a picture of the 44th in action at Keokuk, IA. We are in there somewhere around the flags.

The 44th Illinois will be hosting an event at Nason Illinois this year. For more information on our ever growing event please feel free to click on the link above. I will be happy to answer any questions you may have about it.

To see a roster of all the members of the 44th Illinois click here.


Click to Enlist Online!

Here are some other links that will help you on your path to re-enacting.

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