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 Jamie's 1988 Black Phase I - Click for the Black Gallery

This site shows you a bit about my insane commitment to these mostly forgotten French beasts!!  If you own or are thinking of buying one, it also gives you a few hints and tips on keeping your animal.

 Hmmm - Which One Though!!

I own two 1988 Phase I cars, both a work in progress!!  The black one has covered 175,000 miles and is in the process of being completely rebuilt.  The Red one has covered 86,000 miles, with full history and is in superb condition - so I’ve just got to pull it apart!!

Have a wander and find out more, click on the pictures to enter the galleries or go to the links page for some (better) related sites.

This'll Be The Red One Then!! - Click for the Red Gallery

This site is a new venture for me so don't expect to find anything flashy!!  I'm learning though so it should improve as time goes on!!

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