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 Recreation » Antiques » Radio » Personal Collections


Transistor (4)  

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Antique radios and memorabilia, with photos and commentary.


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A gallery of antique Soviet-built radios and gramophones, with examples from the collection of Vitaly Brousnikin. Features schematics, tube information, manufacturers' logos, and RealAudio clips of Russian popular music from the various periods. (Engl...


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Photos of John D. Jenkins' early American, British and French wireless sets and related equipment, mostly dating from the '20s.


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 4 - Radiophile.com Browse Website open in new window
John Pelham's collection, with pictures and information on wood and plastic American-made tabletop radios from the '30s and '40s, transistor radios, and a mint-condition Drake Ham radio setup. His non-radio items include wristwatches, small clocks, po...


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Antique radios from the 1920s thru the 1940s, sorted by type (wood, plastic, transistor) and by country of origin. Also shows a number of vintage microphones and radio speakers


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Photographs and descriptions of a collector's radios from around the world. Includes unidentified sets and links. [English/Portuguese/German]


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Photos of wooden radios and boatanchors, a tour of his garage radio shop, and photos taken at Southeastern Antique Radio Society meetings.


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 8 - FM-Only Radios Browse Website open in new window
Andrew Mitz presents an introduction to collecting early table and portable radios that receive only the FM band.


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 9 - WJOE Radio Browse Website open in new window
This site is dedicated to the collecting and preservation of radio. There is an online Antique Radio Price Guide as well as a virtual museum.


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Devoted to the preservation of plastic tube radios, in bakelite, plaskon, and hard plastic.


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