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 Recreation » Autos » Directories

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Includes many categorized links pertaining to trucks, pickups, and SUVs.


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 12 - Autoguide.net Browse Website open in new window
Categorized listings for car varieties, buying and selling, parts, traveling, and hobby interest sites.


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Includes links to parts suppliers, sales and service centres, manufacturers, car clubs, and enthusiast pages.


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 14 - Don's Auto Pages Browse Website open in new window
New Zealand-based general directory including links to automotive sites and motorsports.


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 15 - Planet Cars Browse Website open in new window
Contains various categorized links in many different subjects and languages.


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 16 - Autocade Browse Website open in new window
International, editable database on cars, providing brief descriptions, and focusing on models made after 1970.


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A directory containing links to parts and services, dealers, clubs, and events devoted to classic cars.


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A general categorized automotive directory. Includes links to various topics and specific makes of cars.


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Classic car services' directory featuring businesses, articles, car clubs and events in Australia.


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 20 - World Car Info Browse Website open in new window
World car catalogue, featuring press releases and photographs of latest models.


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