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 Recreation » Autos » Makes and Models » Citroen

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The Vintage Citroen Register maintains a record of all known rear-drive Ciroen models in the UK.


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Pictures, a review of the MPV, and a forum where visitors can discuss their cars.


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These pages document the full restoration of a Citroen DS23 Efi Pallas and the fitting of a new chassis to a Citroen 2CV6.


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 14 - Dyane, Dyane Browse Website open in new window
A ring of websites devoted to the Dyane, Ami and Bijou.


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Includes toy models, special and unusual Citroens. Mainly has information on the Acadiane.


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Registry site for owners and enthusiasts. Present your Citroen to other members and discuss related information in forums. There's also a links and events database.


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 17 - Traction.ch Browse Website open in new window
Photo gallery of Traction Avant, Amicale Citroen International, CTAC, Citroen, and Oldtimer cars.


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