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 Recreation » Boating » Sailing » News and Media

 Web Pages    1 - 10   of   25

 1 - Sailing World Browse Website open in new window
Ezines featuring sailing and cruising news, racing reports, resources, bulletin board, and articles on boats and gear.


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Online version of the printed publication. Features articles on worldwide cruising destinations, tips, how-to guides, weather reports, boats and equipment.


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 3 - Sail-World Browse Website open in new window
Sailing, sail-racing and cruising news site updated constantly by contributors around the world.


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The online version of the printed publication. Real-time reporting from the world of racing sailing.


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Magazine specifically devoted to Chesapeake Bay sailing. The magazine's content includes racing, cruising, general sailing, and junior sailing with a unique Chesapeake flavor.


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Monthly magazine for off shore sailors. "Mission is to pick up where others leave off and to tell it like it is...no sugar coating and no ad-speak BS."


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 7 - Sail Magazine Browse Website open in new window
For sailors of all types (cruisers/racers/day sailors) from novice to expert. Includes many industry links.


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 8 - BYM News Browse Website open in new window
BYM News & Magazine provides comprehensive and up-to-date boating, marine & maritime news.


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 9 - 48th North Browse Website open in new window
Sailing magazine with sailboats for sale, gift shop, classified ads, weather and sailing links.


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In depth reviews of many of the CS Yacht models as well as other boats. Includes "ask the experts" section and subscription information.


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