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 Recreation » Boating » Sailing

 Web Pages    11 - 20   of   25 Back to Sailing Home 

 11 - Cowes Week Browse Website open in new window
Results, news, statistics, chat, and live video of the annual regatta at Cowes, UK.


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 12 - Sail Miami Browse Website open in new window
Bilingual site about boating, sailing and fishing in South Florida, with information on charters, racing, crew information, marinas, maps, anchorages, and water sports.


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Collection of personal accounts by sail and motor boat cruisers.


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 14 - Techsail Browse Website open in new window
Sailing yacht performance analysis software.


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 15 - Canoe Sailing Browse Website open in new window
Information on this form of lake sailing, including diagrams, construction tips, and links.


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A gateway to specialty web sites for Catalina, Hunter, MacGregor, O'Day, and Beneteau owners, as well as discussion forums, advice, owner reviews and photos, accessories, and boats for sale.


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 17 - SailOnLine Browse Website open in new window
Insights and chartering tips for charterers and charter boat buyers and owners. Gives advice on how to charter at a discount, provides authentic cruising logs, a free section to buy/sell unused owner's time, and related links.


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 18 - Ocean Odyssey Browse Website open in new window
Seeking sponsors for their circumnavigation of the world.


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Calculate the various figures of merit for any sailboat. Graphically compare any two boats out of about 600 listed. Search the database for boats matching your chosen criteria.


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Victoria 16, 17, 18 and McVay Minuet and Bluenose support forum. Repairs, for sale, history and technical data.


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