An eight week summer camp for boys ages 7 to 15 in the Berkshire Mountains of Massachusetts, offering a wide range of water activities and land sports. Founded in 1929.
A traditional summer day camp owned and directed by the Taylor family in a north woods setting located in Sudbury Massachusetts. For boys and girls ages 4 to 13.
Summer camp and year round programs that promote the emotional well being of children, while providing stable and positive relationships in a diverse and natural setting.
Eisner Camps, located in Barrington, in the Berkshires of Western MA, serving New York and the Northeast. A coed, Union Of American Hewbrew Congregations (UAHC) Reform Jewish Camp.
Two camps in the Berkshire Mountains. Fine arts, sports and water activities mixed with Jewish culture and heritage. Run by the Union for Reform Judaism.
A national youth leadership development institute, whose mission is to assist in the academic and social growth and development of youth by offering a quality residential camp experience within a safe, nurturing and Afrocentric environment.