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 Recreation » Collecting » Coins » Ancient

 Web Pages    21 - 29   of   29 Back to Ancient Home 

 21 - Asia Minor Coins Browse Website open in new window
An online index of ancient Greek and Roman coins from Asia Minor.


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 22 - Polymathematica Browse Website open in new window
Multidiscipline site about science with good information about cleaning ancient coins.


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 23 - Ancient Coins Browse Website open in new window
An educational site by Dr. Tom Buggey. Coins of Rome, Greece, and other cultures are featured along with many resources for attributing. Maps of ancient Greece and Rome, mints, essays, and other illustrations are featured.


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 24 - Indian Coins Browse Website open in new window
Coins of ancient, medieval and Islamic India with a little history.


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 25 - Fakes Gallery Browse Website open in new window
Lists modern struck forgeries of ancient Greek and Roman coins of the so-called "Slavey" workshop.


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Provides photographs and descriptions of fake coins offered for online sale.


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The electronic index of the Sylloge of Coins of the British Isles, a series published for the British Academy by the Oxford University Press 1958-.


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 28 - Coin Collecting Browse Website open in new window
Information on ancient Roman, Greek and Byzantine coins.


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A helter skelter listing of a collection of interesting, educational and in some cases nearly unique coins, where nothing is for sale.


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