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 Recreation » Collecting » Computers

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Includes such classic systems as Apple, Atari, Commodore, Mits Altair, Osborne, Kaypro, IBM PC. Includes a discussion forum.


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 12 - Binary Dinosaurs Browse Website open in new window
On-line computer museum with photographs, articles and some humorous commentary.


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A virtual computer museum providing visual and background stories, information about the collection, repair and restoration tips and tricks, and presentations and displays available for schools.


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A personal collection of old computers, screenshots of classic bootscreens, brochures, and downloadable vintage software. Also has a buy/sell computer market.


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A collection of calculator-like programmable pocket computers from the 1980s, with photographs and trading information.


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 16 - The Cyberden Browse Website open in new window
Catalog of floppy disk sleeves, with photographs.


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 17 - Rune's PC-Museum Browse Website open in new window
Rune's PC-Museum features personal computers from the past, including DOS, CP/M and others.


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Computer collection comprised mainly of photographs of selected machines and software and magazines.


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A collection of computers and other products by Commodore Business Machines maintained by Bo Zimmerman.


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 20 - Heimcomputer Browse Website open in new window
A collection of home and personal computers, and video and TV game consoles.


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