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 Recreation » Collecting » Food and Drink Related » Beer » Cans

 Web Pages    41 - 50   of   75 Back to Cans Home 

 41 - Busch Mountains Browse Website open in new window
Containing over 40, 000 Busch beer cans covering every wall in the house.


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Old US cone top and flat top beer cans for sale. Some breweriana available, as well. Repairs damaged cans and replaces missing lids.


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 43 - Global Beer Cans Browse Website open in new window
Beer can collector specializes in old beer cans from Great Britain and Japan. Includes pictures of can types such as cone tops, flat tops and pull tabs plus photos of his collection.


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Collector web site with photos of his collection along with a brief history of how each can was acquired. Also purchases vintage cans.


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 45 - Jim's Beer Cans Browse Website open in new window
Collects and sells cone tops and flat tops, advertisements, bottles, labels, soda cone tops, trays, and soda cans. Pictures of some of his collection. Ohio cans wanted.


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Dealers in collectible beer cans since 1976. Photos and prices of cans for sale.


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Beer can site of collector Ed Scoglietti. Photos of cans and other beer items. Dumping stories and photos of some recent finds also shown.


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Collector trying to add to his collection of Reading, Pennsylvania beer cans. Trade list is shown, along with some photos of "wanted" cans.


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 49 - Beer Can Keeper Browse Website open in new window
Information about a unique product that protects rare beer cans and soda cans from humidity, scratches, dents, dirt and handling.


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Beer can collector specializing in cans with numbers on them. Also buys old beer cans and beer related items. Information on upcoming Midwestern shows.


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