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 Recreation » Collecting » Glassware » Bottles

 Web Pages    11 - 20   of   28 Back to Bottles Home 

UK magazine dedicated to antique bottles, pot lids, ceramics, advertising and enamels.


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Dealer offers a variety of bottles including poisons, advertising, gin, inks, and perfumes.


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 13 - Eyebaths.com Browse Website open in new window
Includes list with pictures of hundreds of different vintage and unusual types of eye related bottles. Membership is required, but it is free to join.


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Offers a variety of bottles for sale.


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 15 - Cobalt Blue Browse Website open in new window
An antique glass bottle source and links page containing information on buying, selling, cleaning, finding, classifying, and collecting bottles.


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A collector provides information and photographs of medicinal tonic bottles.


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Chinese snuffbottles, pendants and jade carvings.Reference work available on CD-ROM.


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Discusses Paper Labels to ACL to Embossed bottles. Also links to other bottle sites on the web!


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 19 - BottleDiggers UK Browse Website open in new window
Digging and collecting antique bottles in the UK. Resource for learning more about specific types of bottles.


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 20 - The Bottle Den Browse Website open in new window
Specializes in American pontiled soda and mineral water bottles with photographs of rare or unlisted examples.


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