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 Recreation » Collecting » Stamps


By Region (78) Collectors (55) Dealers (7)
Fiscals (13) Magazines and E-zines (3) Oddities (2)
Organizations (109) Postage (78) Postal History (16)
Postal Specialties (4) Postal Stationery (12) Software (19)
Topical Collecting (161)  

 Web Pages    1 - 10   of   68

Everything about stamps. Stamp collectors pages, software, Auctions, Catalogues, Collectors group and stamp resources.


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Weekly stamp news magazine. Stamps, covers, postal history and postal organizations for experienced or novice collectors.


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Directory of shows listed by state or country. Stamp yellow pages directory of dealers, suppliers, collectors, and related information.


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Shows thousands of images organized by species or country.


[more pages from this URL] 

PSE is a leader in collectible postage stamp grading and other services for stamp collectors.


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Details and links to stamp sites.


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Live talk radio about stamp collecting. Call in or email your questions to prominent philatelists. Archives available 24/7. Podcasts available.


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Information on collectors, thematic collection, postal history, organisations, experts, publications, and libraries.


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Online version of the world's number one stamp magazine. Features all the latest philatelic news, articles, events diary and discussion forums.


[more pages from this URL] 

Resource for finding and identifying the worth of stamps. Fee based membership.


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