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 Recreation » Drugs » Cannabis


Cultivation (13) News and Media (12) Personal Pages (34)

 Web Pages    1 - 10   of   34

Dutch academic department conducting international socio-scientific research about drug use, drug policy, and drug distribution.


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The purposes of the ICRS are to: foster research, hold scientific meetings, present and discuss research developments in the field and serve as a resource of reliable information concerning cannabis and the cannabinoids.


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Pictures and reports. Tips on how to use all the legal soft drugs in Amsterdam. A guide to coffee shops, smokers hotels and what to see and do in Amsterdam.


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 4 - High Times Browse Website open in new window
Information about marijuana and psychedelic drugs including cannabis photos, cannabis cultivation techniques, drug testing information, psychedelic art, and articles from the magazine.


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Includes a guide to marijuana information and sites, also free email accounts and discussion forums.


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Information including research, legislation, media coverage, bibliography and lots of links.


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Contains user contributed personal accounts and an invitation to contribute.


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 8 - Cannabis.net Browse Website open in new window
Cannabis: demon weed or nectar of the gods? Classic cannabis and hemp art and commentary from the likes of Anslinger.


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 9 - Hemperium.net Browse Website open in new window
A Dutch guide to hemp and smart-related sites, international hemp-rings and search engines.


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Based on ancient wisdom, modern science, and the belief in the enlightening and healing properties of cannabis.


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