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 Recreation » Drugs » Entheogens

 Web Pages    1 - 6   of   6

The purpose of the Entheogen Project is to systematically gather knowledge about the immediate and long-term effects of entheogen use. Includes essays and an annotated list of topical books.


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The divine cactus in historical context.


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 3 - Entheogen Dot Browse Website open in new window
Online community, and an information resource with a focus on shamanic plants.


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 4 - Wasiwaska Browse Website open in new window
Center of studies for ayahuasca, the sacred brew of Amazonian shamans. Includes information about the center, and their seminars and presenters. Located in Brazil.


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 5 - Plot55.com Browse Website open in new window
Provides information on the cultivation, preparation and use of entheogenic, hallucinogenic and psychoactive plants.


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 6 - Peyote51 Browse Website open in new window
Features information on the history and chemistry of this plant, and links to related sites. Also offers for sale peyote cacti.


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