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 Recreation » Food » Dining Guides » North America » United States

 Web Pages    21 - 30   of   57 Back to United States Home 

 21 - AtFood.com Browse Website open in new window
U.S. restaurant search engine includes ratings, menus, directions, and chat room. Requires registration to access advanced search, coupons, and add ratings.


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 22 - Food-plan Browse Website open in new window
Reviews and rankings for restaurants located in Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, DC. Also offers a selection of essays.


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A small list of vegetarian and health-food restaurants.


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Over 400, 000 restaurant listings and offers reviews, menus, food glossary, prices, locations and maps, and recipes.


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 25 - TheSushiBar.com Browse Website open in new window
Information about sushi, and sushi bar locations throughout the US.


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 26 - SuperMenus.com Browse Website open in new window
Menus and directions for restaurants in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Includes events, recipes, user reviews, and value card.


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Restaurant directories for Washington DC, Charleston, Atlanta, New Orleans and Phoenix. Features menus, signature recipes, descriptions and complete information for each listing.


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Directory of U.S. restaurants featuring ratings, locations, reviews, and regional recipes.


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 29 - MetroDine Browse Website open in new window
Guide to dining and entertainment in selected U.S. areas that includes Detroit, Myrtle Beach, Oregon, and the Florida Gulf and Atlantic coasts. Includes search, top ten, and Detroit event calendar.


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 30 - FoodDigger Browse Website open in new window
Online community for food enthusiasts to share reviews of restaurants in Los Angeles, San Francisco and New York and vote for users with the most cuisine expertise.


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