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 Recreation » Guns » Competition Shooting » Highpower » Rifle


BMG Rifle (6)  

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PAC-NOR has been re-barreling rifle actions since 1985, likeyour favorite hunting rifle re-barreled or want an exotic wildcat cartridge in your next varminter.


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Nor-Cal Precision: Jerry Rice is a riflesmith who produces conter sniper precision rifles for the Police, Military, and others. He also produces sporting arms based on Remington actions for guaranteed 1/2 moa accuracy.


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These rifles have adequate power and accuracy at 1, 000 yds. Based on a rimless 404 Jeffery, has rebated rim same as 375 H and H to facilitate standard long magnum action for the .338 and .375 Black Mesa Express.


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Custom manufacturer of the highest quality chrome moly and stainless steel rifle barrels and muzzle brakes.


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Custom Long Range Rifle and custom BME Bullets by Brian McDaniels, Rifle Smith.


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 6 - Martini Gallery Browse Website open in new window
Offers information for Martini shooters and collectors.


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National Match Rifles sales and repair, reloading supplies, apparel, spotting scopes.


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Bansner's Ultimate rifles produces a high quality custom made rifle.


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An online resource for Weatherby firearms, both new and collectable.


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 10 - 25-06 Remington Browse Website open in new window
The 25-06 is an excellent cartridge that provides excellent ballistics and trajectory for varmint through deer sized game. The 25-06 shines as an ideal duel purpose varmint and deer rifle.


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