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 Recreation » Guns » Competition Shooting » Smallbore


UK Clubs (9)  

 Web Pages    1 - 10   of   20

The governing body of the sport in the UK. Includes information for beginners and links to find your nearest rifle range.


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USRA-IR50/50 is a nationally recognized .22 rimfire benchrest competition that contests a competitor's shooting skills from the bench.


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An online guide to the Colt Woodsman .22 caliber semi-automatic pistol.


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Our kits allow you to convert your gun quickly and easily by changing the slide to shoot .22 LR ammunition.


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A club dedicated to developing young athletes to compete in NRA and USA Olympic shooting disciplines at the national level. Located in Colchester. Vermont, USA.


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 6 - Tenrings Browse Website open in new window
Information and tips on competition and precision air weapons shooting.


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Promoting Olympic level '3 Position' and prone competitive small bore and air rifle target shooting according to international ISSF rules. Membership and media enquiries welcome.


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 8 - Rimfire Forum Browse Website open in new window
Rimfire message board.


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The Slovak sport shooting federation organizes in Spisska Nova Ves an international competition.


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Paramount Targetsports is a Brisbane, Australia based Target shooting club. Focus is on juniors and the ISSF (Olympic) disciplines of Small Bore Rifle, Air Rifle and soon Air Pistol.


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