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 Recreation » Guns » Engraving

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Premier engraver, knifemaker as well as inventor of the Air Chasing Graver. Exhibition grade gold inlay, wildlife scenes, and various scroll decorations on only the finest knives, guns and jewelry.


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 2 - Duguet, Thierry Browse Website open in new window
Hand engraving of knives, firearms and other engravable objects.


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Fine custom gun engraving, limited edition commemorative firearms, antique firearms restoration and handmade display cases.


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 4 - Alfano, Sam Browse Website open in new window
Exhibition grade engraving on the world's finest firearms, knives, and jewelry.


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 5 - Pozzobon, T. Browse Website open in new window
Engraving of knives, shotguns, and rifles. Photo galleries showing a variety of styles.


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 6 - Pedretti, G. S. Browse Website open in new window
Offers hand engraving of knives and firearms in the traditional Italian style. Located in Brescia, Italy.


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 7 - GRS Tools Browse Website open in new window
Gun, knife, and jewelry engraving supplies including GraverMax and Gravermeister impact power engraving machines.


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The Firearms Engravers Guild of America is the recognized source of information on American engravers and engraving. The site contains Guild information, membership application, and photo galleries of member's work.


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 9 - Downing, Jim Browse Website open in new window
Custom engravings for firearms and knives. Scrimshaw is also available. Specializing in historic recreations of classic engraving styles.


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Offers custom engraving on all new Ithaca model 37 shotguns.


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