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 Recreation » Guns » Reloading » Guides

 Web Pages    1 - 5   of   5

These pages are devoted to hand reloading of pistol and rifle cartridges. (Note: Use this data at your own risk. Not responsible for injury or death resulting from any of the data on these pages.)


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Reloading resources, load data, pistol and rifle cartridge information, Reloading Bulletin Board, online conversion calculators, reload guide, glossary, and info on over 60 different powders.


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New powders and loads have been added, data is presented in a new graphic format, and ballistic tables are now easier to use and apply.


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 4 - 300 Dakota Page Browse Website open in new window
Load data for the 300 Dakota cartridge. Tried and tested by the author, who also discusses various components and the performance of his loads.


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How to safely handload rifle and pistol cartridges. Tips for increasing accuracy.


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