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 Recreation » Humor » Computer » Internet » Web Filters

 Web Pages    1 - 10   of   14

 1 - The Dialectizer Browse Website open in new window
Browse the web or read text in any of several comic English dialects. Pick from Redneck, Jive, Cockney, Elmer Fudd, Swedish Chef, Moron, and Pig Latin.


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 2 - The Chomskybot Browse Website open in new window
Generates random paragraphs that hover at the edge of understandability, in the style of renowned linguist Noam Chomsky.


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 3 - Netdisaster Browse Website open in new window
Loads any web page and unleashes user-selected disasters on it, including Martian invasion, floods, dinosaurs, and tomatoes.


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 4 - Shredder Browse Website open in new window
Mangles webpages into something new.


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 5 - WebCollage Browse Website open in new window
A collage of random images found on the Web.


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 6 - Lamerizer Browse Website open in new window
Lamerize your name by having it changed from letters to lamerized letters, numbers, and symbols.


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 7 - Mirror Sytes Browse Website open in new window
View the web in reverse through this internet mirror.


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Translates the web to skinhead, pimp, smurf, Aussie, cockney and redneck.


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 9 - Crazy Sytes Browse Website open in new window
View the web in the style of words cut out from newspaper headlines. Enter any URL.


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 10 - Funkatizer Browse Website open in new window
Choose from Valley Girl, Swedish Chef, Germanish and many more funkatized translations.


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