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 Recreation » Humor » Computer » RFCs

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"This RFC is meant to represent a guideline by which the IETF conferences may run more efficiently with regards to identification and security protocols, with specific attention paid to a particular sub-group within the IETF: "facial hairius extremis"...


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"A Description of the usage of Nondeterministic Troubleshooting and Diagnostic Methodologies as applied to today's complex nondeterministic networks and environments."


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"Because Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) transmits data in frames of bytes, it is fairly easy to envision ways to compress SONET frames to yield higher bandwidth over a given fiber optic link. This memo describes a particular method, SONET Over No...


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Parody of "The 12 Days of Christmas."


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A song about the ARPANET.


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"This memo documents the process used by the Roman community for the standardization of protocols and procedures. It defines the stages in the standardization process, the requirements for moving a document between stages and the types of documents us...


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