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 Recreation » Humor » Computer

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What system administrators charge for everyday events. From alt.sysadmin.recovery.


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 12 - Easter Eggs Browse Website open in new window
Amusing secret tidbits and Easter eggs hidden in software


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Contains end-user support requests with humorous comments added. Also contains FAQs, a discussion board, and a weblog.


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 14 - Knuth 3:16 Browse Website open in new window
A retrospective of the work of Don Knuth, written a few thousand years from now.


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 15 - Anvil Dropping Browse Website open in new window
Site documents crushing of electronics by dropping a large steel weight on them.


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The famous blackletter-Gothic sign in mangled pseudo-German that once graced about half the computer rooms in the English-speaking world.


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 17 - Computer Jokes Browse Website open in new window
Old and new jokes about computing and the Internet.


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Home of the Quit Slashdot movement. Reasons to quit, alternatives, equally bad sites, and a FAQ.


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 19 - Please Spam Me Browse Website open in new window
Sarcastic ode to the worst of the worst junk e-mail.


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Guide to destroying the excess CD-ROMs that litter your world. Includes image gallery and guestbook.


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