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 Recreation » Humor » Science

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International science humor magazine chronicles genuine and concocted research from Earth's best and worst scientists and science writers, and administers the annual Ig Nobel Prize ceremony. Many articles online not in the print version, and vice versa.


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Miscellaneous quotes, including: what in the world is electricity, and where does it go after it leaves the toaster?


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A humorous look at influential scientists throughout history.


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An investigation into a spatial and temporal anomaly, a dish which refuses to clean itself.


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Scientific humor, jokes, and cartoons organized by topic.


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Home and underground research and development facility of the Evil Doctor Flaxon, located in the heart of the Nevada nuclear test site.


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Features funny scientific misinformation and silliness.


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Te Ngstitute Pikamanaga O Pasifika. A satirical look at modern corporate research institutes: nolledge, boffins, sustainable managers, ambush marketing, and electron retrospectroscopy.


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The Journal of Omniresearch Online publishes original humorous research articles in a broad range of scientific topics. [Contains fictitious information.]


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 20 - Stop the Spin Browse Website open in new window
Satirical organization dedicated to stopping global warming by stopping the spin of the earth.


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