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 Recreation » Kites » Kite Aerial Photography

 Web Pages    21 - 30   of   33 Back to Kite Aerial Photography Home 

 21 - Glen Thomas Browse Website open in new window
Small site about photographer using video view finder (South Africa).


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Information on equipment, triggering systems, and wind speed conversion table. (Germany)


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Cees Kuppens from Holland takes pictures with a remote controlled digital camera attached to a kite. Here you can find information about KAP and a lot of aerial pictures of Holland.


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 24 - Kevin Nickel Browse Website open in new window
Kite Monger - pictures of kites and pictures from kites.


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 25 - KitesEyeView Browse Website open in new window
Kite Aerial Photography gallery and how to's.


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 26 - Bird Shots Browse Website open in new window
David McGeachy offers kite and poll aerial photography galleries and detailed images of equipment. (Florida USA)


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A guide for modifying the CVS PV2 single use digital camera for kite aerial photography.


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Tom Nied uses a disposable camera with a manual rig producing a low cost, low weight, low tech system that offers maximum results.


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 29 - Eddie's AirShots Browse Website open in new window
Commercial Aerial Photography Services in Houston.


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KAP centred around Parramatta High School. Includes details of the kites and rigs used. (Australia)


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