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 Recreation » Models » Railroad » Periodicals

 Web Pages    1 - 10   of   23

 1 - Trains.com Browse Website open in new window
Model trains, railroads, rail travel, and kids' trains.


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Discover tips to make building layouts easier than ever, with step-by-step modeling projects, and reviews of the best model railroad products available today.


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A searchable index of a variety of model railroad magazines from 1934 to the present such as Model Railroader and Railroad Model Craftsman.


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Monthly. Layout tours, how-to articles, prototype information, and product reviews.


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Publishers of Railfan and Railroad, Railroad Model Craftsman and Flying Models.


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Feature articles and photos of model railroad layouts.


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 7 - Timber Times Browse Website open in new window
Quarterly magazine dedicated to logging and lumbering, history and modeling in the steam era. Specializing in logging railroads. Books on historic railroads and the timber industry.


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Prototype and modeling information for 24" and 30" gauge enthusiasts.


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Provides building projects related to Canadian trains and structures along with prototype and heritage information associated with Canada's railways. Also includes product announcements, prototype photographs, modeller's photos, Canadian book reviews,...


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Price list of back issue rail/model railroading periodicals and books available for sale, and a quarterly newsletter on rail periodical collecting.


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