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Offers RV and camping sites as well as new cabins with full accommodations. Located on Raystown Lake in Saxton. Camping, swimming, fishing, boating, pool and many other activities available. Provides photos, reservations and rates.


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Family camping recreational area in the Pennsylvania Dutch Country.


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 63 - Beacon Camping Browse Website open in new window
In the heart of Pennsylvania's oldest Amish community. Situated on the side of a hill where an airport beacon once stood, overlooking beautiful farmlands and offering a spectacular five-mile view.


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Offers a family and group camping areas with hot showers and biking trails, fishing, rafting, and boating near Ohiopyle State Park.


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Provides information on cabin rentals, rates, pictures, local activities and attractions in Cook Forest. Online reservation form.


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 66 - CampingPA.com Browse Website open in new window
Independent commercial site offers a directory of Pennsylvania campgrounds with camping tips, campfire recipes, calendar of events and regional stories.


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Located next to Moraine State Park. Offers tenting, RV sites, Cabin Rentals. Provides weekend entertainment, game room and store. Posts rates, photos and directions.


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Provides campground information including rates, facilities and recreation, shops and attractions, and local history.


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 69 - Camp Gettysburg Browse Website open in new window
RV membership only resort located on the southern edge of the Gettysburg Civil War battleground.


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Provides information on campsites, amenities, campground events, rates, camping tips, and tourist links.


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