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 Recreation » Outdoors » Caving » Organizations » North America » Mexico

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Supports the safe exploration, survey and cartography of the underwater caves and cenotes. Includes maps, conservation notes, geologic history and contact information.


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 2 - Mexico Profundo Browse Website open in new window
Founded in 1982 and devoted to exploration, surveying and mapping of water-filled caves. Includes descriptions of projects, expedition journals and contact information.


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A club dedicated to the exploration, survey and research of the cenotes and underground rivers of the Yucatan Peninsula.


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Participates in the study, exploration and conservation of caves in Mexico. Official project of the National Speleological Society since 2001. Includes contact information.


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Speleological exploration in the Cerro Rabón area of the Sierra Mazateca, Oaxaca, Mexico. Galleries, journals, pictures and newsletters.


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Promotes exploration, study and conservation. Offers training and trips. Bilingual Spanish/English.


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