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 Recreation » Outdoors » Guides and Outfitters » North America » Canada » New Brunswick


Fishing (9) Hunting (14)  

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Providing black bear and deer hunting, and salmon fishing. Includes package details and contact information. Located in Trout Brook.


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Offering hunting, fishing, hiking, snowmobiling and cross country skiing packages. Includes details and contact information. Located in Shepody.


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Offering black bear, whitetail deer, woodcock, grouse and duck hunting, and fishing. Includes package details, photos and directions. Located in Doaktown.


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Offering black bear and deer hunts, fishing, snowmobiling, snowshoeing, cross country skiing and bird watching. Includes details and contact information. Located in Riley Brook.


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Specializes in salmon and trout fishing, and black bear, deer and coyote hunting. Includes details, photos and contact information. Located in Saint John.


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Offering wingshooting, specializing in woodcock, ruffed grouse and waterfowl, and salmon fishing. Includes details of packages available, river report and contact form. Located on the Northwest Miramichi River.


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 7 - Nerepis Lodge Browse Website open in new window
Specialize in hunting with rifle, bow and black powder for bear, moose and deer, and fishing. Includes package details, pricing and contact information. Located in Nerepis.


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Offers black bear, deer, moose, upland bird hunting and atlantic salmon fishing. Includes photo gallery, rates and contact information. Located in Knowlesville.


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Offers black bear and moose hunting, and salmon fishing. Includes details, rates, photos, map and contact information. Located in Renous.


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Offering hunts for black bear, deer and upland birds, and Atlantic salmon fishing. Includes details of trips and accommodations, rates, photos, directions and contact information. Located in Blackville.


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