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 Recreation » Outdoors » Hunting » Trapping

 Web Pages    21 - 30   of   36 Back to Trapping Home 

Informational fur trapping site featuring talk forums, articles, news and alerts, photo galleries, trap setting examples, tips and wild game recipes.


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The story of Halvor Ausland's career as a trapper on the Mudjatik River in northern Saskatchewan, Canada.


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An Alaskan message board dedicated to trapping, education, and information. Not limited to Alaskans only.


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The basics of trapping, trap tuning and modification, trap dying, waxing, furbearers, detailing tracks, sign, locations, sets, lures, baits. A very fur handling section as well as a huge photo album.


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 25 - Hogstoppers Browse Website open in new window
Wild pig removal service offers information about hogs and how to build a trap, pictures, and a description of their methods.


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Personal site. Trapping adventures in Canada and the South.


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 27 - Rabbit Trapping Browse Website open in new window
How to build and bait a rabbit trap.


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 28 - Trapping beaver Browse Website open in new window
Editorial discussing why alternatives to beaver trapping are not the answer. From the Log Cabin Democrat Sports (6/19/97).


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Trapping details and set descriptions for beaver, bobcat, fox and coyote trappers. Trapline photos and instructions from West Virginia trapper Tony Dingess.


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Learn from an Alaskan trapper how to build your own snares. Find out how easy and cheap it is to build your own snares for lynx, coyote, fox, beaver and otter.


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