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 Recreation » Pets » Cats » Issues » Free-Roaming


Feral (33)  

 Web Pages    1 - 10   of   13

A campaign to protect birds, other wildlife, and free-roaming cats. Teacher's guide, posters, and fact sheets covering topics such as laws, managed cat colonies, and how to make an outdoors cat happy indoors [PDF].


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 2 - Cats of Rome Browse Website open in new window
The story of the free-roaming cats of the Argentine Tower in Rome.


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Efforts by the military to deal with abandoned and feral cats on military bases. Humane control, owners' responsibility with photographs.


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A history of the debate on cat control in Australia, including perceived threats to wildlife and the ban of the Bengal breed.


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Observations by Pope John Paul II about the plight of a homeless cat and her kittens.


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Instructions on how to train an outdoor cat to be a domesticated indoor cat.


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Explores the arguments for and against confining cats from an Australian perspective.


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John Raedler reports on the proposal designed to protect endangered species.


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Instructions for building a safe and effective outdoor cat enclosure, also photos and links to related sites.


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 10 - Outdoor Cats Browse Website open in new window
A photo exhibition and information about stray cats. Also in Japanese.(Japanese language pack)


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