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 Recreation » Pets » Cats » Issues » Health » Elective Surgery » Spay and Neuter

 Web Pages    1 - 10   of   12

Public service campaign encouraging the spay/neuter of cats. Includes video of the advertisement.


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Arguments in favor of spaying or neutering cats including a directory of low cost or free spay/neuter programs listed by state with related links.


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Article about spay and neuter by David Zanders D.V.M.


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Summary of a report on early spaying and neutering of kittens by Diana Cruden Ph.D.


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Opinions about early age altering of kittens between the age of 6 and 14 weeks by Susan Little DVM.


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Researcher Sarah Hartwell addresses those who oppose neutering cats and gives her view on the issue.


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The benefits of neutering a male cat as an intact tom can make a most unpleasant household companion.


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An overview of spaying and neutering including the benefits, the operation, the vasectomy option and the best age to desex. Describes new technologies.


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Outlines what spaying and neutering is and what the benefits are.


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The advantages and procedures involved in spaying your cat.


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