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 Recreation » Pets » Dogs


Activities (477) Breeders and Kennels (54) Breeds (13418)
Chats and Forums (12) Choosing a Dog (29) Clubs (76)
Directories (13) Dog Parks (50) Famous Dogs (23)
Genetics (145) Grooming (33) Humor (21)
Hunting (56) Issues (64) Names (8)
News and Media (26) Origins (6) Personal Pages (41)
Rescues and Shelters (238) Resources (6) Search Engines (2)
Training (164) Web Awards (7) Web Graphics (8)
Web Rings (5)

 Web Pages    1 - 10   of   41

 1 - AOL Pets - Dogs Browse Website open in new window
Connect with dog lovers and find cute dog and puppy photos, video, info and advice about all kinds of canines.


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Contains articles that include choosing a dog, health, and grooming, as well as a dogfinder search and matchup, and chat. Registration required for full access to the site.


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Find out the latest in training, grooming, breeding, feeding, and just about every other aspect of owning and loving a pooch.


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 4 - Digital Dog Browse Website open in new window
Information about breeds, adopting a dog, understanding behavior, and stories.


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Guide for all breeds of dogs, health and training information, with bookstore and mall.


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 6 - Dog Infomat Browse Website open in new window
As one of the oldest non-commercial, dog-related websites online, this site is dedicated to providing access to prescreened and reviewed resources as well as original content.


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 7 - I-Love-Dogs.com Browse Website open in new window
Dog resources including email, web sites, chat, and other associated information.


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All about dog care, training, and responsibility. Photographs and dog stories sent in by kids around the world, as well as videos and a poll.


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 9 - ThePoop.com Browse Website open in new window
Message boards, expert advice, photo contests and classifieds.


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Collection of usenet FAQs, including dog behavior, training, and supplies.


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