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 Recreation » Pets » Exotic » Invertebrates » Arthropods » Insects

 Web Pages    1 - 10   of   12

 1 - Allpet Roaches Browse Website open in new window
A guide to raising tropical roaches as pets. Photos, habitat and behavior information, and links.


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 2 - The Ant Farm Browse Website open in new window
A personal Web site related to ants: FAQ, building an ant habitat, resources, pictures and forum.


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Provides photos, sounds, care-sheets, and related links for some of America's beetles.


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Information about keeping giant hissing cockroaches as pets. Frequently asked questions and answers, photos, and links.


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Beginner information on raising stick insects. Photos and a guestbook are included.


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 6 - Insect Links Browse Website open in new window
General information on insects including keeping them as pets. Includes critters such as beetles, mantids, termites, assassin bugs, and moths. Links to care sheets and photos.


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FAQs, links, gallery, and care sheets for keeping phasmids.


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 8 - Ants as Pets Browse Website open in new window
A history of ants, how to collect them, and instructions for building artificial nest. Illustrations and links to related books.


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 9 - Easy Insects Browse Website open in new window
Information on keeping exotic critters as pets. Information includes creatures like cockroaches, walking sticks, giant mantids, scorpions, and tarantulas. Photos, links, care sheets, and shopping.


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 10 - My Phasmids Browse Website open in new window
Information such as feeding, housing, and breeding of stick and leaf insects (Phasmatodea). Includes photos and links.


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