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 Recreation » Pets » Fish and Aquaria » Chats and Forums

 Web Pages    11 - 20   of   32 Back to Chats and Forums Home 

 11 - AquariumHobbyist Browse Website open in new window
A listing of a multitude of discussion forums offered, including topics on freshwater and saltwater fish, individual species, ponds, plants, and aquatic creatures such as turtles and hermit crabs.


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 12 - Fish Profiles Browse Website open in new window
Discussion regarding freshwater, saltwater, and general topics for many species of fish and aquaria-related topics.


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 13 - AquariumPros.ca Browse Website open in new window
Canadian reefing online community where one can discuss and chat with hobbyists of all levels from beginner to advanced.


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Volunteers answer questions about caring for freshwater and saltwater fish and operating an aquarium via FAQs and a library of previously asked questions.


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Dedicated to Canadians in the aquarium hobby, supplies information regarding responsible aquarium husbandry for marine, freshwater and pond hobbyists.


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An aquaria-related hobbyist site based out of Winnipeg, Canada with forums, chat, and auctions.


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 17 - AquaTopia Forums Browse Website open in new window
A general fishkeeping forum with fast facts on fish and diseases.


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 18 - My Fish Box Browse Website open in new window
Community and resource center for aquaria hobbyists.


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A site dedicated to promoting the hobby of raising Flowerhorns.


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Specializing in advice on keeping cichlids and oscars, but also offers advice on freshwater fish and saltwater fish.


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