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 Recreation » Pets » Fish and Aquaria » Freshwater


Breeding (10) Chats and Forums (15) Foods and Feeding (3)
Health (7) Organizations (2) Personal Pages (18)
Plants (127) Species (454)

 Web Pages    1 - 10   of   42

Species, beginner, do it yourself, and general information.


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 2 - The Krib Browse Website open in new window
Articles, and archived usenet postings. Features Aquaria FAQ, and the Aquatic Plants Digest archives.


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Aquarium guide with access to plant and fish database and forums.


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Articles, FAQs, gallery, messageboard, tank of the month contest and links.


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Features articles, forum, calculators, and a free freshwater aquarium E-book.


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 6 - Fish Tank Tutor Browse Website open in new window
Offers tropical fish tank advice in simple terms. Includes set up, equipment, maintenance, aquatic plant and fish care information.


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Contains fish profiles, diseases, and photos.


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Beginner's guide to setting up a new aquarium. Form allows you to send questions to an experienced aquarist.


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 9 - e-Aquarium Browse Website open in new window
Information on planning and keeping an aquarium. Includes choosing the live inhabitants and products to keep them alive and healthy.


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Includes in-depth articles on fish species, communities, feeding, plants, water, aquaria setup, aquascaping, algae, health and disease.


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