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 Recreation » Pets » Rabbits » Breeds


American Dwarf Hotot (1) American Fuzzy Lop (6) American Tan (1)
Angora (14) Belgian Hare (2) Californian (2)
D' Argent Dutch (17) English Lop (5)
English Spot (3) Flemish Giant (2) French Lop (3)
Harlequin (2) Havana (2) Himalayan (1)
Holland Lop (43) Jersey Wooly (6) Lionhead (3)
Mini-Lop (12) Mini-Rex (12) Netherland Dwarf (16)
New Zealand (5) Polish (1) Rex (3)
Satin (5) Silver Fox (1) Velveteen or Rex Lop

 Web Pages    1 - 10   of   25

Small rabbitry in South Central Wisconsin raising, breeding and showing Holland Lop and Polish rabbits. Includes articles about showing, health and care.


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Information on health care, nutrition, and housing. Breeds include Lionhead, Flemish Giant, Netherland Dwarf, Mini Rex, Holland Lop, Velveteen Lop, French Lop, Harlequin, and Dutch. Located in Manteca, California.


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Breeder of American Fuzzy and Holland Lops. Includes basic information for all breeds of rabbits such as showing, health and care.


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Breeder of Mini Lops, Holland Lops, Netherland Dwarf, French Angora, Harlequin and Satins. Also breeder of Nigerian Dwarf goats.


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Breeder of Mini Rex, American Fuzzy and Holland Lops in rare colors including Blue eyed whites. Located in Medford Oregon.


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Breeder of Lionhead, Holland Lop and Netherland Dwarf in Colorado Springs, Colorado.


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 7 - Rabbit Hill Browse Website open in new window
Rabbitry specializing in rare varieties in Holland Lops, Mini Rex, Netherland Dwarfs and Cavy. Located in SF Bay Area in California. Breed descriptions and related links are offered.


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Breeders of American Fuzzy Lops, Holland Lops, Netherland Dwarfs and New Zealand Reds. Photos, profiles of available rabbits, and articles are presented.


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Raising Mini Rex, Holland Lops and guinea pigs in a variety of colors. Located in Sooke, British Columbia. Photos of the herd and sale page.


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Breeder of Mini-Lops, Holland Lops, Mini-Rex, and Dutch in Grants Pass, Oregon. Pictures of the herd and related links.


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