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 Recreation » Radio » Amateur » Boatanchors


Amplitude Modulation (29) Broadcast (21) Collins (22)
Crystals (6) Directories (10) Drake (6)
Eico (3) Events (3) Globe (4)
Gonset (5) Hallicrafters (9) Hammarlund (4)
Harvey-Wells (4) Headphones (1) Heath (31)
History (14) Homebrew (38) Johnson (2)
Kits (1) Knight (6) Lafayette (11)
Mailing Lists (12) Manuals (13) Microphones (5)
Military (42) Modifications (8) Morse Telegraphy (10)
Museums (25) National (12) Operating (2)
Organizations (12) Personal Collections (20) Photos (11)
Receivers (14) Repairs (16) Swan (6)
Transmitters (9) Tubes (37) Vintage Solid State (8)

 Web Pages    1 - 10   of   27

 1 - Gootee Systems Browse Website open in new window
Personal collection of antique radios and electronics, vacuum tube equipment repair advice, resistor decade box plans.


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 2 - Vintage Radios Browse Website open in new window
Purveyor and collector of antique/vintage radios, valves and service data. Includes model service information, resources, classified ads, and links.


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 3 - Boatanchor FAQ Browse Website open in new window
Answers questions about vintage tube-type ham radio and communications equipment.


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Telegraphy and telephony sounds from "Adventures in CyberSound."


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The history of Geloso, an Italian radio company. Includes schematics of many products.


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Provides a variety of electronic schematics, photos and plans.


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List and description, includes: B and W, Central Electronics, Collins, E. F. Johnson, Gonset, Hallicrafters, Hammarlund, Heath, National, Drake.


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 8 - Yaesu FT-101 Browse Website open in new window
NW2M's Yaesu FT-101 HF Transceiver Site. All about the FT-101 series. These rigs with a tube driver and finals are considered classics by many.


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 9 - Vintage Rigs Browse Website open in new window
Large photo gallery of amateur equipment and vintage radios.


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A growing resource for Valve and early Transistor Portable Radios. Resources and historical links. Includes a section devoted to the radio constructor with old circuits and original articles.


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