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 Recreation » Radio » Amateur » Organizations » Clubs » North America » United States » Florida

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Central Florida ARRL affiliated club. Supports Orange County ARES/RACES and Skywarn as well as several community service agencies. Newsletter, officers, events and membership information.


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Features meeting minutes, membership and contact information, photos, links and a calendar of events.


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Features complete information, links and contact information.


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Florida-based resource includes membership and contact information, club activities, swap-shop, and repeater frequencies.


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Member resource for club information, meeting schedules, photos, repeater frequencies, VE testing, newsletter and links.


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Member resources, club information, meeting schedules, repeater frequencies, VE testing, newsletter and links.


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MCARA serves the Stuart, Martin County, and the Treasure coast. Provides information on licensing classes, membership, hamfests, news and activities.


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Marion County-based group presents club and membership information, events and testing schedules, and links.


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Florida-based ARRL affiliate. Resources include ARRL, ARES, and RACES clubs, membership information, events schedule, and newsletter.


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Active ARRL-affiliated group in the Florida panhandle, founded in 1983, with links to table of repeater frequencies throughout Florida and Alabama, I.T.U. zones and regions, and status of OSCAR satellites.


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