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 Recreation » Radio » Amateur » Personal Pages » India

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Offering HAM radio theory and practicals, history of wireless, photos, syllabus and links.


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Shaikh Sadaqathullah from Chenna (Madras), Tamilnadu, with links to DXCC listings, and QSL cards received, biography and genealogy information.


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Homebrew gadgets, circuits and kits for amateur radio enthusiasts from Charudatt Uplap. Additional information on his repeater telemetry project.


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Bangalore amateur presents station and QSL, DX and contact information and links.


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offers information about amateur radio, activities in India, and the Calicut city.


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Personal biography and contact page.


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Abhijit Dharmadhikari shares information on how he became interested in amateur radio and offers an occasional weblog post. (Mumbai, India)


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H. N. Naveen offers information about amateur radio, activities in India, Vedic astrology, and the city of Mysore.


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Sunil Lakhani, VU3SUA, and D.C.Sharma, VU2DCT, provide a general overview of the amateur radio hobby with a special emphasis on Indian Ham Radio activities.


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