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 Recreation » Radio » Amateur » Personal Pages » United Kingdom

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Richard Newstead with information about adventure radio, antenna articles, callsign history and dx-pedition information, qrp guest articles and information.


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UK amateur shares articles, reviews and original software for those interested in QRP, Morse, HF, weather satellite reception and "stealth" operation.


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Full lists, information and maps on the UK amateur radio repeater networks.


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Station location and equipment with pictures. Also offers ham software downloads and an online calculator for locator conversions.


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UK amateur presents station history and photos.


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 6 - M0SBF and G8SBF Browse Website open in new window
Shack and equipment details. Also has repair tips for the Yaesu FT8100R and a downloadable test card for TV alignment.


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Clive Wallis with links to Oscar 11, Satellites, Shefford Amateur Radio Club


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Ham radio modifications by Colon Lowe with chatroom, questions and answers.


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Gary Hinson with information about his experience and qualifications in computer auditing and security, and hobbies such as amateur radio.


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Manchester wireless society the only radio amateur club in the city of Manchester England. Meets every Tuesday night for lectures, Free rae course novice course and cw tuition.


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