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I6YOT and IW6MKI UBA personal HAM radio stories. [English]


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Christian Wieser describes station, 50 MHz regulations in Austria, sporadic-E, troposcatter, meteor scatter, and aurora propagation.


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QSL collection of DE0BRF short wave listener with many photos of cards received. Information concerning the AGDX, EDXC, ARRL, ISWL, and RAC.


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Barcelona amateur, John Aymerich Bergay, offers station photographs, history and logs. A resource page offers listings and external links for a variety of subjects. Content translations available in English, Spanish and French.


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Homebrew enthusiast presents technical information, photos and lots of links. [German - English]


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Information about antennas, propagation, chirping, balloons, and weather satellites. Located in Argentina.


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Claudia shares station and personal information, photos, and a section dedicated to her worldwide DXpeditions.


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Zoltan Bordas provides information about his amateur radio activity, and other hobbies; includes contesting with PSK31. (Baia Mare, Romania)


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Amateur activity in Craiova, Romania.


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Roger Gonzaga of Portugal with QRP information, his profession as a surgery professor and club affiliations.


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