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 Recreation » Radio » Amateur » VHF

 Web Pages    21 - 30   of   71 Back to VHF Home 

Database collection from plain text and repeater listings over the internet.


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Special emphasis on VHF/UHF/SHF, EME, Meteor-Scatter, Rain-Scatter, Aurora, 10GHz, 24GHz.


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Grid Square List, VHF - UHF Contest Calendar, Rules, Results, Forms, Certificates, Log


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Amateur Radio Solidstate Amplifiers for VHF - SHF by G8MBI and F5FLN. 10GHz Solidstate amplifiers 144MHz High Power Solidstate amplifiers.


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David Anderson with EME on 144 MHz and Astronomy. MoonSked Software for Moontracking for Macintosh, Windows and Palm Pilot.


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Features projects with descriptions and photographs of VHS/UHF equipment.


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Information about the 4m or 70MHz band. This band is allocated in the UK, ZB2, 5B4 and S5 and is also good for cross band to 6m.


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Scannist Pages for Upstate NY


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Poprad, Slovakia-based group of VHS enthusiasts. Features VHF and DX information, contest results, newsletter, photos and stories.


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VE3DSS Website - VHF UHF Propagation Information for VUCC and WAS Awards. Information for Canadians, VE3ONT history, audio clips of VHF UHF Signals on six metres and above. VE3VHF links.


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