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 Recreation » Roads and Highways » Route 66

 Web Pages    61 - 70   of   149 Back to Route 66 Home 

 61 - Route 66 Place Browse Website open in new window
Gifts and souvenirs.


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 62 - McJerry66 Browse Website open in new window
About the author Jerry McClanahan, his artwork, books, news and free updates to the EZ66 guide he wrote.


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About the annual event along Route 66 in Illinois. Contains pictures of past editions, maps, links to other events and more.


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 64 - Route 66 Browse Website open in new window
Vintage postcards, screensavers and history.


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 65 - The Museum Club Browse Website open in new window
About the Museum Club, a historic music and dance club on Route 66 in Flagstaff, Arizona


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 66 - Old Log Cabin Browse Website open in new window
History, pictures and menus from the landmark in Pontiac, IL.


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About Cool Springs, AZ, contains history of the site and the restoration of the vintage gas station and gift shop.


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About the auto museum and welcome center located in a 1930s gas station in Afton, OK. Contains postcards, information on the Pacards, history and general Route 66 information.


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Links and maps for further research. Also includes a link to a bibliography by the author.


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Covers the book by the author, sells copies of pictures.


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